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Meliksah Edu Blog

Space Maker activities

Instructor Meliksah Soyturk
Company: Serious Fun inc.
Grades: PreK-1 and 2-5

Who is Maker spacer ? what does S/he make ?

Makerspace is a constructivist and constructionist movement that is taking the world by storm! Imagine DIY meets education! ... A makerspace presents readily-available materials that can act as a provocation for inquiry, as well as modern technology and items to invent with.

Take a moment to contemplate what it would be like if every school had a Maker Space and it was part of the school curriculum. You may wish to dream of the possibilities for essential 21st century skill development and significant content skill alignment. Think about the aura of engagement, flow, grit, perseverance, problem solving, revision, reflection, and satisfaction in that amazing space. Contemplate parents asking the question, “What did you make in school today?” Now sit back and imagine the answer, and further conversations it would bring!

Michaels `s The idea behind the Makers Movement includes allowing people to imagine, envision, create, innovate, play, formatively learn, experiment, collaborate, share, and most of all dream of possibilities. The idea of making is really not a new concept. In fact,the art of making is at the root and mixed into to the very fabric of our culture. I believe that the amazing innovation we have seen in this country is due to a Maker mentality. We have long been a culture set on dreaming up possibilities, and then taking the action to make it happen. The initial growth of technology has somewhat taken some of our creativity and produced  consumption based thinking. We are now past the initial way of thinking, and the Makers movement allows people to finally use the technology to create and make.

It is encouraging to see that Education Maker Spaces are making space in numerous schools including elementary, middle, and high school. This was evident at the 2014 ISTE Convention in Atlanta with over 16,000 attendees and space for Maker vendors, Maker presentations, Maker playgrounds, and Maker possibilities. After all, childhood has long been a time that allows young minds to play and make. It is important to understand that allowing kids to be Makers opens the doors to personalized and authentic learning. Let me share a list that I feel are positive qualities that schools can Make as take away ideas from the Makers Movement.

  • Allow for student intrinsic motivation and self-directed learning

  • Support students in a natural connection toward the facilitation of the 4 C’s

  • Engage students in significant content by allowing for connections to curriculum

  • Immerse students in experiences that promote the idea of flow

  • Provide students opportunities that allow then to fail in order to succeed

  • Emphasize to students and teachers the importance of process over outcome

  • Amplify or introduce to students the components of a school STEM disciplines

  • Provide for student opportunities to enhance Project, Problem, Design, Inquiry, and Challenge Based Learning

  • Promote student literacy through writing, reflecting, and journal writing while Making in specific subject areas

  • Engage students in relevance and connections through a authentic learning experience

  • Promote service student learning by identify and inventing solutions to local and world problems

  • Allow students to see the importance and value of the arts

  • Allow students to be a part of partnerships between school, home, and community

  • Create opportunities for students to be producers of content and products

  • Facilitate to students the idea of entrepreneurship through innovation

  • Provide students an opportunity to connect with college and career opportunities

  • Allow for student mentorship between students and also between community and students

  • Give students the opportunity to learn through kinesetic opportunities

  • Introduce students to the iterative process for problem solving

  • Support student inquiry by relaying the importance of good questions and continued questionin  

  •  Thanks for this great introduction to Michael Gorman ( 


Note:Little bit kits materials are expensive, we collect them after the activity ends.

1.week Hand control and Making Foil rose and animals.

2.week  Students designed their Night lightbox with Little bitkits

3.Week Students learned little bit kits materials. Buzzer, DC Motor, Light, Slider,  board,Counter , light sensor.

4.Week Students designed drawing robot

5.Week Students designed astronauts with foil paper.

6.Week Students designed their multiserves robot with their group and one group won the contest.

7.Week Students learned Moon,Earth and Sun circles and they applied with little bit kits .Dc Motor was used for explain it.

8.Week Students designed their ball game and One gruop won the contest .They tried to learn working groups.

9. Students learned rubber band energy. They made simple -multiple game and they played this game for fun.

10.Week Students gave a message to the world with little bit kits boards.They learned how is making an advertisement .

12.week Rubber banded motored Airplane .Students learned how they can make loaded energy on rubber band with an airplane.

activity video 

13.Lesson Activity -Technology and Engineering: Designed to move fun-powered imaginations of boys and girls forward, K'NEX knows a child's journey to wow begins with a single click! K'NEX has offered STEAMagination inspired play to kids through creative building toys for a quarter of a century.

K’NEX Education products have been designed to maximize student engagement in today’s busy classroom. They are uniquely designed to aid in the teaching of science, technology, engineering and math topics. Intended for school use, the sets teach today’s young scientists and engineers key STEM concepts by constructing real world models, reflecting the changing world they live in.

14.Lesson Activity -Students learned that Energy has different versions, Wind , Sun, action..

the achievements of the course

  • INTERACTIVE LEARNING – K’NEX Education allows your kids to enjoy hands-on learning. This set is designed to introduce students to scientific concepts as they create six types of renewable energy machines. With this fun and inquiry-based approach to concepts, grade five to nine students can build and investigate while evaluating scientific principles in action.

  • CREATE 3D CONSTRUCTIONS – Encourage your child to bring his dream design to life by building three-dimensional models. Whether he’s creating a cool vehicle or a pirate ship, this set allows a multitude of 3D configurations.

  • STEAMagination™ – It’s the connection of STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts & math) with a child’s natural curiosity and creativity and it powers the fun of each and every K’NEX® building set.  Building with K’NEX puts children on a path towards a fundamental understanding of STEAM/STEM subjects.


video watch it
Air plane
Mountain car

15.Lesson Activity -Teamwork & Bridge Project

  • Students learned why project need team works.

  • They learned Manager role, Architect , Engineer, and workers role when they build the bridge they learned teamwork.


16.Lesson Activity -Teamwork & Subway Building


  • Students learned why project need team works.

  • Why we need subway and how can build this big tunels .They learned these question`s answers.

  • They learned Manager role, Architect , Engineer, and workers role when they build the bridge they learned teamwork.


17.Lesson Activity -Building simple machine and Elevator.


  • Students learned why project need team works.

  • Why we need simple machines.They learned these question`s answers.

  • They learned Manager role, Architect, Engineer, and workers role when they build the bridge they learned teamwork.


Most elevators work just like a pulley. ... The sheave is like a pulley wheel with grooves in it to hold the rope tightly. On the other side of the rope is a weight, which is about as heavy as the elevator car when it is half full. This balances the car, so that not too much energy is needed to move it.

video watch it

18.Lesson Activity -Spin Wheel and Fairly wheel, swings and mechanic buildings.

  • Students learned why project need team works.

  • Why we need simple machines.They learned these question`s answers.

  • They learned Manager role, Architect, Engineer, and workers role when they build the bridge they learned teamwork.

  • They learned to build with materials and swings that are simple machines and they need balance.

  • they learned balance base in the middle of building.


video watch it
video watch it

Lesson19: Making Prototype Students learned to make big project and so they would to need design prototype for real project. They made the difrent prototype and We organized a contest for all of them. The project which awarded will made by the designer on next lesson.


a first, typical or preliminary model of something, especially a machine, from which other forms are developed or copied.

Lesson 20-21

Players will need dexterity, ingenuity and perseverance to succeed in building the amazing vertical structures featured in Equilibrio. Some structures may seem almost impossible to do, but careful planning and persistence will always be rewarded with the satisfaction of completing the challenge. Equlibrio is part of the Architecto line, which consists of 4 exquisite games of spatial visualization. In these games, players progress at their own rhythm, as puzzles gradually become more challenging. All games include the same set of Geoblocks and a spiral book with 6 color-coded levels of difficulty.Part of FoxMind's award-winning Brain Builder Series!


  • Increases dexterity and reasoning abilities!

  • Develops spatial visualization skills!

  • Multi-level progressively evolving puzzles!

  • Rules in English, French and Spanish

  • Game of the year - Creative Child Magazine - USA 2011

  • Recommended - National Association for Gifted Children - USA 2007

  • Best Game - Toy Innovation - Germany 2006

  • Seal of Excellence - Consumer Guide - Canada 2006

  • Best Bet Award - The Canadian Toy Testing Council - Canada 2005

Lesson 22  Energy can be transferred.

Renewable resources

Renewable energy resources can be replaced, and will not run out. Be careful - it is not true to say that they can be re-used.


Biomass fuels come from living things. Wood is a biomass fuel. As long as we continue to plant new trees to replace those cut down, we will always have wood to burn. Just as with the fossil fuels, the energy stored in biomass fuels came originally from the Sun.

Wind power

Wind is caused by huge convection currents in the Earth's atmosphere, driven by heat energy from the Sun. The moving air has huge amounts of kinetic energy, and this can be transferred into electrical energy using wind turbines. Wind turbines cannot work if there is no wind, or if the wind speed is so high it would damage them.

Lesson 22 KindergartenK'NEX


*supports the developmental growth of hand-eye coordination, fine motor skills, problem-solving skills, & spatial awareness.

*STEAMagination™ – It’s the connection of STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts & math) with a child’s natural curiosity and creativity and it powers the fun of each and every K’NEX building set. Building with K’NEX puts children on a path towards a fundamental understanding of STEAM/STEM subjects.

Lesson 23 Lift Game for motor skills and teamworking.


*Helps develop motor skills. Better than the average board game. 


*Cute game - fun to play with kids, although it takes a lot of patience to try to place the blocks using your head!

Lesson 24 Knex Zoo park for Kindergarten and First grade activity.

Every kids can paint their favorite animal and than they will creat fence of zoo park they will put on the animals and they did decorate of zoo.

He learnt solidarity of team.


*they painted their favorite animal

*Helps develop motor skills. Better than the average board game. 


-Smart woods for building

Lesson 25-27  


Students improve their motor skills with this woods which can build everything.

This set puts real-life art, math, science, architectural, imagination, creativity and engineering principles into play.

They can creat new games

woodgames of boards


-5 janga 


oley games

..board games




28-30.Lesson Activity -Solar Energy transfer and Smart building balls


  • Students learned energy that can transform to other kind of energy Sun light energy to electric energy

  • This energy can cover small needs.

  • Students prepared contest buildings that energy transfer 

  • They improved brainstorm with their friends.


31-32.Lesson Activity -Smart balls and building ideas

  • Students learned new materials for playing to fun and building

  • Kid Connection Toys Challenge Your Kids To Build Creative Designs & Social Development With Educational STEM Learning – Engineering Building Set Is To Design Your Own Toy – Create Cars, Robots, Machines and More – Learn Spatial Reasoning – Stimulate Problem Solving Skills – Unleash Creativity and Imagination


Next activities

-Little bit kits applications series.​

-Magnetic energy and simple propeller.

-Simple parachute

-Brain games Qwirkle .1 seans 

-About art and technology and paint Starring night of Vangogh Artwork.

-Ebru, marbling art therapy.

-Foil Earth and paint with acrylic.

-Simple light circle with battary.

-Make your News paper.(for future ,New Age)



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